TOK Engineering

Project Efficiencies (Time)

Engineering Project Edmonton

As engineers, we value practical efficiency. Even when a problem is complex, we strive to find the simplest solution whenever possible. Why reinvent the wheel if it’s not necessary? This approach is key in an engineering project in Edmonton, whether it involves selecting materials, and processes, or utilizing previous alternatives.

When managing an engineering project in Edmonton, it’s often about achieving the optimum result within a reasonable time frame. While not the only factor, the saying ‘time equals money’ holds for both the engineer and the client.

It is commonplace to prepare a budgetary proposal for the client before being awarded the project. The quotation typically outlines a detailed scope of work, the anticipated time required, and the cost. In an engineering project in Edmonton, consulting engineers sell their expertise and, most importantly, their time.

The time spent preparing a quotation depends directly on how clear and complete the initial information provided is. This time is often considered the ‘cost of doing business’ and impacts the engineering firm’s bottom line.

But that i​s only where it begins. If the job is successfully secured, then there is always additional time required to obtain the detailed specs and the inevitable follow-up queries. The answers received from the customer will only be as useful and applicable as the questions asked by the engineer. How efficiently this proceeds as well as the “lag time” the client takes in getting back with the information will usually make or break the promised deadline.

For any engineering project, there is no substitute for high-quality work. However, an efficiently planned, organized, and monitored project will usually be a project that comes in on time and consequently on budget. Time is the one commodity of which we never have enough. Therefore use it wisely.

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